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The Restoration Journey: understanding the legal process and agency responsibility

This is the foundation course that lays out the legal journey from entry to permanency for children and families in the care system. This highly interactive workshop addresses the main interagency responsibilities and the sections of the care and protection legislation important for the restoration process. This course is presented as a one day workshop, followed by a 2 hour group coaching sessions 3 - 4 weeks after the workshop. Workshop Content: o Journey into care – S27 ‘risk of... [More]

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Child Abuse Dynamics: theory, evidence and implications for preservation and restoration assessment, safety planning and practice

This is the foundation course that lays out the theory and evidence underpinning the different abuse types restoration practitioners need to assess to be able to develop robust Immediate Safety Plans and Longer-term Safety and Support Plans in their work with families. This is a highly interactive 2 day workshop which is followed by 2 x 2 hour group coaching sessions delivered online at 3 - 4 week intervals after the workshop. Workshop Content: o Introduction to poverty and trauma... [More]

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SDM, SARA and Immediate Safety Planning and Longer Term Case Planning for Preservation and Restoration Practice

This is the foundation course that lays out the principles and practices of SARA assessments and the key features of robust Immediate safety Plans and Longer-term Safety and Support Plans. It is delivered in a 1 day workshop followed by a 2 hour group coaching session to bring practitioners and supervisors together to debrief practice experiences, share learning, solution finding for ‘wicked little problems’ and offering further practice opportunities. Content: o Introduction to... [More]

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Understanding the importance of positive behaviour support plans

This course is about gaining an understanding of Restricted Practices, legislative requirements, practical implications, processes, and how best to support and care for children and young people in out of home care. You will gain an understanding of what a restricted practice is, the importance of gaining approval for use of restricted practices, and the relationship between restricted practices, behaviour management, and positive behaviour support. By having a sound understanding... [More]

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Leading Restoration Practice for Team Leaders and Supervisors

This course is designed to support individuals to lead practice within Funded Service Providers for Restoration in NSW. There has been significant change in legislation and the practice surrounding restoration casework in NSW. This course will focus on leading practice in the context of change with a specific focus on the business of restoration, supporting caseworkers to do the complex and intensive work, and create an understanding of the relationships between research and... [More]

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Post Restoration Preservation Advanced Safety and Support Planning to Support Restoration Preservation

Participants will understand the principles of safety organised practice and how the principles and practices support restoration casework to support the preservation of restoration efforts and maintain the child safely in the home. Research indicates that families require ongoing support after children return home permanently and that this can be a critical period where restoration can breakdown. The course focuses on developing longer term safety and support plans involving... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Restoration Intensive Practice: preparing children, young people and their families before, during and after restoration.

Participants will appreciate the need for preparation and support of children and their families before, during and after restoration, particularly as children and their families have experienced many layers of trauma. Foster carers can be central to providing the support children need during restoration and supporting and coaching birth families to demonstrate progress in the six domains of quality contact or family time. Workers will recognise the practice of partnering and... [More]

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Concurrent Planning for Permanency for Children: implications for preservation and restoration practice

This is the foundation course that lays out the principles and practices of concurrent planning for permanency for children in care. This highly interactive workshop addresses nine core stages of ethical concurrent practice with families undergoing the restoration process. The material is delivered as a 1 day workshop followed 3 - 4 weeks later with a 2 hour group coaching session. The coaching session brings practitioners and supervisors together to debrief practice experiences,... [More]

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Implementing Trauma Informed Practice in Out-of-Home Care

Please note: This course is only available VIA CREDIT CARD payment at the time of registration. Invoice is not available. This course covers the following topics Educating and informing carers about the effects of developmental trauma on children in out-of-home care Applying an understanding of developmental trauma to positive behaviour support Supporting carers to understand and develop reparative parenting skills and techniques Understanding the link between trauma of separation... [More]

Guardianship Application Documentation

A Guardianship application is more than just doing an assessment of the potential guardian. It is a complex process requiring preparation of documents for court and co-ordination between funded service providers and DCJ personnel. This course will cover all of the key tasks required for a Guardianship application. The course is in two parts: Part 1: Distance learning You will be provided with pre-course information and be expected to satisfactorily complete a knowledge quiz about... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.