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Alcohol and Other Drugs and Mental Health

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Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change: 2 Day

Motivational interviewing is a framework that was originally developed in the alcohol and other drug field by William Miller and Stephen Rollnick. The essence of motivational interviewing is that it is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation for, and commitment to, a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of... [More]
$700 Limited GST free
Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change: 2 Day

<p>Motivational interviewing is a framework that was originally developed in the alcohol and other drug field by William Miller and Stephen Rollnick. The essence of motivational interviewing is that

$680 Limited GST free
Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change: 2 Day

<p>Motivational interviewing is a framework that was originally developed in the alcohol and other drug field by William Miller and Stephen Rollnick. The essence of motivational interviewing is that


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Unpacking the Complexity of Hoarding and Squalor

Hoarding and Squalor is on the increase. It is estimated that there may be as many as 600,000 Australians living in clutter or severe domestic Squalor. This equates to 2.6% of the population. For the most part, workers stumble across these situations when assisting consumers with other issues, and struggle to understand how to work with and support consumers in this area. This training will equip workers to understand Hoarding Disorder (HD) and Severe Domestic Squalor (SDS) by... [More]
$680 Limited GST free
Unpacking the Complexity of Hoarding and Squalor

<p>Hoarding and Squalor is on the increase. It is estimated that there may be as many as 600,000 Australians living in clutter or severe domestic Squalor. This equates to 2.6% of the population. For


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Trauma and Addictions

This course aims to explore the nature of the relationship between trauma (especially childhood trauma) and addiction. The hypothesis that addictions are a functional escape from pain (Durand, 1986) will be explored. People in active addiction will often continue to move from crisis to crisis. And paradoxically the tendency towards further addictive behaviour as a response to crisis will be explored. The counsellor is well placed to reflect the contextual stressors that client’s... [More]
$360 Limited GST free
Trauma and Addictions

<p>This course aims to explore the nature of the relationship between trauma (especially childhood trauma) and addiction. The hypothesis that addictions are a functional escape from pain (Durand, 1986


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Personality Disorders: A Psychodynamic and Attachment Theory Perspective

This workshop overviews personality development, identifying the key developmental tasks (e.g. emotional regulation, identity, boundaries, etc). This provides clinicians with a map for healthy personality development, as well as shedding light on how personality issues develop. The workshop will look at how personality development shapes perception, emotional responses and how we cope with interpersonal relationships and our internal world (thoughts and feelings). The workshop will... [More]
$680 Limited GST free
Personality Disorders: A Psychodynamic and Attachment Theory Perspective

<p>This workshop overviews personality development, identifying the key developmental tasks (e.g. emotional regulation, identity, boundaries, etc). This provides clinicians with a map for healthy


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Masterclass – Co-occurring Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs

Workers who are innovative and responsive to ever-changing best practice standards do better quality work and last longer! Seize this opportunity to take your already established skills and knowledge to the next level. This workshop will utilise peer teaching & learning, and a range of activities crafted to hone your ability to respond to complexity. While the focus is on clients living with co-occurring mental health and AOD issues, it draws on a holistic, strengths-based... [More]

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Let’s Talk About Gambling

Problems related to gambling can present in a range of guises such as financial, legal, relationship, housing, drug and alcohol, child protection and mental health concerns. Therefore, it is likely that professionals working in a range of settings other than the gambling specific context will encounter people with gambling related problems. Raising and addressing the issue of gambling within non-specialist settings can pose a challenge for professionals. However, the opportunity to... [More]

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Acts of Resistance, Acts of Reclaiming: Using Narrative Therapy when Working with People who have been Subjected to Sexual Assault

Hearing stories of sexual assault can be challenging, particularly when this is regularly part of the work. Workers may get weighed down by the stories, and may hold worries about re­traumatising clients during the counselling, health check or court preparation process. While primarily focusing on counselling, this workshop will support workers in a variety of fields when responding to the impact of sexual assault. It draws on the theory and practices of Narrative Therapy to... [More]

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Personality Disorders

Being diagnosed with a personality disorder (PD) can be a two-pronged diagnosis. On the one hand, a person may feel some relief to finally gain an understanding of their malaise. On the other hand, a diagnosis of a PD can be acutely stigmatising and demoralising. A PD diagnosis can signal that the mental health system has largely given up, that a person’s behaviour is too complex and erratic, and that medications are of little benefit. Diagnostic frameworks for PD’s tend to reflect... [More]

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Mental Health First Aid

This Mental Health First Aid course will teach you how to provide initial support to other adults who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis, using a practical, evidence based Action Plan. Many of our service users can add trauma, abuse or significant difficulties in life to the range of issues that may add to the likelihood of mental health concerns. We need to be able to recognize, support and respond in a way that supports people with mental health... [More]

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Power of Addictions

This workshop explores the relationship people have with AOD, how influential AOD can be and the dynamics when people choose to abstain from AOD.  Drugs will be defined along with the patterns of drug use, how they are classified.  The contributing factors which lead people to use AOD along with the environmental, biological, psychological, legal, financial influences of drug use.  The impact of AOD use will be explored including the impact on indirect victims (eg. family members... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.