Enhancing Parental Capacity for Change in Restoration Work

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

This is the foundation course that lays out the principles and practices of positive psychology, strength-based, solution focused, motivational interviewing to promote parental willingness, ability and confidence to change. It is a highly interactive practice-based workshop delivered in 2 stages.

Stage 1 – 2 × 1 day workshops (can be face to face or online)


  • Introduction to strength based, solution focused guiding principles
  • Introduction to Hope theory and the concept of mattering as tools invite intrinsic motivation to change
  • Introduction to the solution focused “Four Questions” for assessment and planning
  • Familiarisation with useful solution focused questions in restoration practice
  • Overview of motivational interviewing and underpinning principles
  • Assessing parental readiness for change and managing reluctance
  • Introduction to motivational interviewing conversation tools and techniques
  • Leaning into challenging conversations

Practice activities incorporated intensively throughout the two-day program, focussing on:

  • Deep dive into developing strength-based solution focused questions that support the “Four Questions” underpinning restoration assessment and planning conversations
  • Practising Motivational Interviewing readiness for change tools
  • Knowledge Translation Sheet for ‘homework’ with supervisor

Stage 2 – 2 × 2 hour group coaching sessions delivered online

Two x two hour coaching session are held at 3 or 4 week intervals after the Introductory Workshop to bring practitioners and supervisors together to debrief practice experiences, share learning, solution finding for ‘wicked little problems’ and offering further practice opportunities.

Content coaching session 1:

  • Debrief Knowledge Translation Sheet for ‘homework’ undertaken with supervisor
  • Review application of hoe theory and concept of mattering in conversations with families
  • Practicing strength-based, solution-focused questioning
  • Developing signature questions to explore the “Four Questions” for assessment and planning work
  • Deepening skills – practicing developing questions "in the moment"

Content coaching session 2:

  • Review motivational interviewing practice
  • Unpacking motivational interviewing tools and techniques to assess readiness, willingness, ability and confidence to change
  • Deepening skills – practicing motivational tools "in the moment"