Mel Brown
Melinda Brown is a Ngunnawal woman who now resides in the Northern Rivers Bundjalung Nation. She is the Director of Spirit Dreaming Australia (trading as Magickal Realm since 2002). Mel Brown specialises in providing training and education programs for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people across Australia.
Mel’s background is 10 years in Aboriginal child protection and a further 15 years in the areas of Aboriginal healing and wellbeing – facilitating workshops and creating a large range of educational resources for training and information purposes. She has gained a solid reputation as an experienced Aboriginal Cultural Education trainer for government and corporate businesses.
Mel delivers her programs with a sense of passion, and is aware that people have varied experiences with Aboriginal culture. For this reason, information is presented in a respectful way to ensure that participants do not feel ashamed regarding historical events, however, complete the training feeling empowered with useful and relevant information.
As a professional speaker, Mel presents workshops and papers in relation to Aboriginal cultural and wellbeing programs at Conferences and Training Workshops Nationally and Internationally.
Mel is also a successful artist and writer with a national and international presence in the areas of self-development and new age concepts. Her work is distributed internationally by some of the largest distributors of new age publications in the world.
Mel was recognised for her work in the area of service provision for Aboriginal families, and was awarded an ACT Public Service Award for the “Most Improved Services to Aboriginal Children and Families in the ACT”, by the ACT Chief Minister, and in 2011, NSW Industry & Investment recognised Mel as one of the top 8 business women in NSW.