Results for
Permanency and OOHC

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SDM, SARA and Immediate Safety Planning and Longer Term Case Planning for Preservation and Restoration Practice

This is the foundation course that lays out the principles and practices of SARA assessments and the key features of robust Immediate safety Plans and Longer-term Safety and Support Plans. It is delivered in a 1 day workshop followed by a 2 hour group coaching session to bring practitioners and supervisors together to debrief practice experiences, share learning, solution finding for ‘wicked little problems’ and offering further practice opportunities. Content: o Introduction to... [More]

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Concurrent Planning for Permanency for Children: implications for preservation and restoration practice

This is the foundation course that lays out the principles and practices of concurrent planning for permanency for children in care. This highly interactive workshop addresses nine core stages of ethical concurrent practice with families undergoing the restoration process. The material is delivered as a 1 day workshop followed 3 - 4 weeks later with a 2 hour group coaching session. The coaching session brings practitioners and supervisors together to debrief practice experiences,... [More]

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Connecting Families

This 4-day, highly interactive Connecting Families training is an adapted version of Kevin Campbell’s Family Finding, Family Seeing model and is intended as a collection of tools, strategies, and materials to support professionals in their efforts to strengthen broken connections between youth, family, and community.  The Family Finding, Family Seeing model acknowledges the critical importance of parents, relatives, and other caring people within a child or young person’s life; and... [More]

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