Results for
Child Protection, Early Intervention and Family Work

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Engaging Parents: Establishing a Working Alliance with Parents/Carers of Children and Young People at Risk

Engaging parents/carers while working with children and adolescents has been shown as invaluable in creating and supporting the change process. This course will help participants develop skills in positive engagement of parents from the outset. Participants will learn ways to recruit parents and the existing expertise they hold, thereby gaining a vital ally in participants' work. This course will equip participants with best practice skills and strategies, leading them to feel more... [More]

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Engaging with Families: Using Questions as an Intervention – Appreciative Inquiry and Solution-Focused Questions

This 2-day course provides participants with an introduction to solution focused questioning and appreciative inquiry when working with families in the early intervention and child protection space. A key component of this work is assisting families bring about change to promote safety for their children. The solution focused approach assumes that people and families are competent and expert in their own lives and can initiate and maintain change if they have a hand in developing... [More]

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Child Development and Attachment: Impact from Early Years to Adulthood

Over thirty years of attachment research has helped us to understand how crucial early childhood experiences are to the entire spectrum of a child’s development; affecting social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth. This understanding has been enhanced by brain development research which illustrates how reliant children are on sensitive caregiving for optimal development. However, all too often children don’t receive the care they need in their early years. Issues associated... [More]

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Introduction to Structured Decision Making® Restoration Assessment Tool

Participants will understand the Structured Decision Making® Safety and Risk Assessments used by FACS NSW and how those assessments integrates with the SDM Restoration Assessment tool they will use in restoration casework to support the difficult decisions including whether or not to continue or discontinue restoration efforts, or restore the child home at this time. This 2 day course includes a focus on restoration practice as well as the SDM tools, and at the completion of this... [More]

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Post Restoration Preservation Advanced Safety and Support Planning to Support Restoration Preservation

Participants will understand the principles of safety organised practice and how the principles and practices support restoration casework to support the preservation of restoration efforts and maintain the child safely in the home. Research indicates that families require ongoing support after children return home permanently and that this can be a critical period where restoration can breakdown. The course focuses on developing longer term safety and support plans involving... [More]

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Restoration Intensive Practice: preparing children, young people and their families before, during and after restoration.

Participants will appreciate the need for preparation and support of children and their families before, during and after restoration, particularly as children and their families have experienced many layers of trauma. Foster carers can be central to providing the support children need during restoration and supporting and coaching birth families to demonstrate progress in the six domains of quality contact or family time. Workers will recognise the practice of partnering and... [More]

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Providing Online Services to Children and Young People: Necessary and Good

With the arrival of COVID to Australia, many workers had to expediently move their services to an online platform, often with little to no training for practitioners. In this workshop you will develop and expand your ethical and practice framework, allowing you to feel comfortable utilising technology-based interventions with children and young people who have experienced trauma. This informative and creative one day workshop will explore two main issues: The ethical landscape of... [More]

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Working with Children and Young People Experiencing Grief in OOHC

This workshop will focus on how to support children and young people in different stages/levels of grief. Participants will learn strategies around healing and engagement. Key skills learned in this workshop include: Identify grief responses and understand the impact on children and young people Learn skills in respectful engagement on grief and loss Increase confidence in having conversations in a trauma informed way [More]

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Advanced Conducting Investigative Interviews with Children When Allegations Have Been Made Against Staff About Reportable Conduct or Professional Misconduct

Please note it is a prerequisite to attend the 1 day Introduction course before enrolling in this 2 day advanced training course - see link below. This advanced course builds on the information and skills covered in the Introduction course and furthers participants’ knowledge, skills and confidence by covering: Child development and how it relates to interviewing practice How to question children in a developmentally appropriate way How to plan for an interview a child with... [More]

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Orientation to Interviewing Children

This is an introductory workshop to the topic of interviewing children, offered by Eleonora de Michele in preparation for her more extensive 3 day workshop Interviewing Children in the Context of Allegations of Reportable Conduct, Misconduct and Breach of Codes of Conduct. It is also a stand alone workshop that will give you an introduction to this complex topic. If you enrol in this workshop and then register for the 3 day workshop, you will recieve a refund of the fee for this... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.