SSTF Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions are available at no cost to organisations that are eligible to receive services from the Social Sector Transformation Fund. Eligible organisations are small to medium organisations, with annual revenue of under $5 million, in the social services or health services space in NSW. For furher information on the SSTF and other services that are provided go to

Coaching can be provided to individuals or to groups of up to 4 people. These 4 people may be from other eligible organisations as well as your own.

Prior to completing this application form, please visit and read the information on the coaches who are providing these sessions. During the completion of the form, you will be asked to identify your 3 preferred coaches. You will also be asked to identify a specfic work area or issue that you would like to address through coaching.

Completion of this form does not confirm that you will receive the coaching services that you have requested. Applications will be considered in groups as funding is released. Your level of need, and your participation in other SSTF funded opportunities will be considered when allocating funding.