Post Restoration Preservation Advanced Safety and Support Planning to Support Restoration Preservation

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Participants will understand the principles of safety organised practice and how the principles and practices support restoration casework to support the preservation of restoration efforts and maintain the child safely in the home.

Research indicates that families require ongoing support after children return home permanently and that this can be a critical period where restoration can breakdown. The course focuses on developing longer term safety and support plans involving networks who will support the family after service provision ceases.

At the completion of this one day workshop, participants will:

  • Practical ideas and tools for post restoration safety and support planning including the practice of building robust networks who will help and support families to keep children safe long term
  • Understand how to put restoration research into practice

Who should attend?

Caseworkers, Team Leaders and Program Managers involved in restoration casework and NSW Funded Service Providers that hold restoration contracts with FACS NSW.