Parent Assessment for Restoration Tool Familiarisation (Step by Step)

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This assessment tool was developed in 2019, updated in 2024 and is based on the UK’s NSPCC Reunification Framework (Wilkins and Farmer).

The evidence base underpinning the tool includes:

  • Factors associated with future harm
  • Key messages from the research on reunification
  • Key messages from the capacity to change literature

Essential practice elements of the tool:

  • Analytical case history informs the focus of the assessment
  • Assessment of risk, protective factors, and parental capacity to change
  • Child/young person has access to trusted adult
  • Written agreements and SMART goals created with parents to support and sustain changes.

The assessment tool consists of:
• Manual for Assessors in Hard Copy: Updated 2024 to be congruent with Step by Step Carer 2023 Assessment Structure and Competencies
• Assessment Report Templates Electronic: Updated 2024

  • ‘Considering’ Change the case plan goal
  • Parent Assessment Report Part One and Part Two

• Assessment Resources Electronic: 2019

  • Aboriginal Consultation Guide
  • Preparing a life history
  • Parent Information Session
  • Resources for Parent Information Session
  • Parent Home Safety Checklist
  • Tools for use with children
  • Psychometric Tools – parent/child
  • Parent Consent Template
  • Restoration – Section 90: Material in Support of Application and Affidavit

Assessing parents for the return home of their children is challenging. Parent assessors must have relevant knowledge about good restoration practice.

This is a two-part course:

  • Part One is self-paced distance learning developed in 2019, taking 6-8 hours, and is delivered using a 70 page Learners Guide and Assessment Booklet. The first assessment task requires a conversation with a parent to evidence understanding of the key principles of engaging parents, clear communication and reflective practice. The second uses a case scenario to evidence understnaidng of risk and protecticve factors, and trauma informaed practice. The third requires the development of an analytical case history.
  • Part Two is a 6 hour Zoom course that familiarises assessors with the Manual for Assessors and covers:

• Considering – change of case plan goal to restoration
• Safe work practices
• Assessing the quality of family time
• Background checks
• Secure attachments
• Red, orange and green lights
• Worry Statements
• Goal Statements
• Bottom Lines for Family Group Conferences

Who should attend?

Assessors who have some experience in completing Step by Step CARER assessments but who are new to PARENT assessments

Course cost includes hard copy Step by Step Parent Assessment Manual