Transformational Leadership: Strategies to Lead Significant Change

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This workshop is for managers and leaders who are leading significant change in their service. Changing contexts provide opportunities for new models of practice but staff may need to move into a different mindset to practice in more effective, innovative ways. To lead these changes we need the skills of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership skills complement our skills of leading, planning, organising, and monitoring. Transformational leadership involves vision plus fostering staff willingness to face up to the emerging challenges and opportunities. It involves co-design of new practices with staff and other stakeholders.

This workshop also includes a framework for leading staff through the stages of transformative learning:
1. Confirming and interrupting current frames of reference
2. Working with triggers for transformative learning
3. Acknowledging a time of retreat or dormancy
4. Developing the new perspective.
REFERENCE: Apte J (2009)

We will look at strategies for leading staff through each stage.

We will trial a range of resources for consulting staff, and for working with staff to engage with a change process.

You will have the opportunity to:
• Review different theoretical perspectives on transformational leadership
• Consider a range of strategies to lead significant change
• Discuss different ways of interpreting resistance to change
• Identify strategies to lead staff through the stages of transformative learning.